Crypto Heroes Gameplay Manual

5 min readJan 19, 2022

-- — games (CryptoHeroes, PixelParty, PixelPets) — Testnet — Sale

Cryptoheroes is a game that will be familiar to people who have played WoW: PVE gameplay — looting, selling and crafting items, fighting friends against dungeon bosses.

Main menu

In the main menu, we see 3 available characters — knight, mage and ranger. To open access to the character, click on the “+” above the class name. Two icons will appear above the hero — inventory (armor icon) and a dungeon window (axe icon).



In the inventory window, you can see the characteristics of your character, equipment and backpack, as well as the “sell item” and “drop item” functions.

Hero Equipment

As you progress in the game, you will receive new equipment, hovering over which will show the characteristics of the item. To equip an item on a character, drag the item to the appropriate slot.


Dungeon window

The dungeon window shows 4 dungeons with different difficulty — easy, medium, hard and hell. Each dungeon also has its own characteristics. You will need one key for the hike. At the start, you are given 25 keys (i.e. 25 dungeon trips). After the start keys run out, you can buy more of them. (100 keys for 0.2 NEAR).


The battle in the dungeon is in automatic mode. Above — an indicator of the waves of opponents/progress through the dungeon. From below, you can increase the battle speed up to 10x, or reduce it. To the right of the speed panel is a lock that allows you to lock the speed for the next battles so as not to change it every time. Regardless of the victory, you will be awarded experience points due to which the characteristics of the character will increase.

Dungeon boss

When you defeat the dungeon boss, you will pick up a chest with loot, which you can later sell or forge.

Loot for victory

The Market

Market window

In the “Market” tab in the main menu, you can make transactions for in-game items. All transactions in the game take place in in-game PXT tokens, and the commission is paid in NEAR tokens. Sorting of items is available on the left (after selecting the sort, click the “Search” button, also click this button if you do not have any items displayed). At the top there are 4 tabs — “search”, “sell”, “auctions”, “completed”.

In the “search” window, you can buy items that other players have put up for sale, you can also see the characteristics of these items and their price.

In the “sell” window, you can sell the items you found and set a price for them.


The “auctions” window shows all your items for sale. You can also remove them from sale in this window.


In the “completed” window, you can see the history of your purchases.


The Forge

The Forge

In the “Forge” window, you can smelt two of your items and there is an opportunity to get one of a better quality. To smelt items, drag them to the appropriate slots and click the “Forge” button. Please note that there is a chance to destroy your items.

Group raids

In group raids, you can assemble a team of up to 8 people (just click “create a team”) or join an existing one and fight the Valefar boss. The boss fight also costs one dungeon key. At the end of each week, the best teams in terms of the number of boss kills (their number depends on the difficulty of the boss) receive reward tokens. Valefar has 4 difficulties, which also determine the weekly reward.

The Leaderboard

In the leaderboard, you can see who takes the lead in each class, as well as see where you are.



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